Sunday, June 18, 2023

Sunday Review Movie - Do The Right Thing (1989) 1 Hour 51 Minutes

The story explores a Brooklyn neighborhood's simmering racial tension between its African-American residents and the Italian-American owners of a local pizzeria, culminating in tragedy and violence on a hot summer day. Dated but very much applies to today From one of my fave producers Sike Lee his 3rd ever movie....


                                                          Review Good For 7 Days Only


pedro B said...

Great movie must have watch it a few times but always worth a view

Thanks AMM

Cheers Pedro

Anghellic67$ said...

Thank you AMM,Great movie on this Sunday

pmac said...

In my opinoin, Lee's best movie. Sadly, not much has changed in the US since its release. Thanks, AMM!

soultime said...

Looks good , i cant wait to watch it .

RMstorm said...

Thanks AMM. Spike Lee, back then, was making great movies.

richsoul said...

A very good Sunday movie. Thanks AMM.

hakase said...

i think watched this when its out but love to see it again thanks much AMM

Rush said...

Great movie have watched it before will definitely be watching it again
Thanks AMM

Gustavo said...

Looks good. Thanks AMM