Saturday, March 19, 2022


Sneaky bastard fooled me good!...looks like relapse time guys as i,m back in bed and still feeling worse than ever..this is one mean bitch to get rid of!? i,ll catch you all when i begin to feel some sort of normal. Thx for all your kind wishes but we,ll draw a line under this now.....Laters ?


USMAN47 said...

Good recovery my friend, but tell yourself that there is worse at the moment.
If it can cheer you up a bit. Follow my gaze to the east.


Anghellic67$ said...

Hope you get better AMM,I'm still fighting also just drink lots of tea

Little Bill said...

Take care amm and do not worry about us,you gave us so much music we can afford a few days off. Feel well soon!

pedro B said...

Hope everything is getting better as I believe have a little bit sun breaking though take care music will be there tomorrow you just get right AMM


raphaelmsx said...

hope that you are now finnally feeling better!

pmac said...

Hope this finds you in better health.

martin said...

Here's hoping you recover soon.

Jumpstart said...

I hope you're recovering from the flu. Take care!


Bob Mac said...

Wish you a speedy recovery AMM.

hakase said...

we all deeply miss you already
but please take time and rest for awhile
hope you feel better soon

Rocco said...

Take your time to recover amico.
Get wel soon.

Carlos Uria said...

Take care AMM!!

Rush said...

Hope your feeling better AMM wishing you well

Wicked Souldies (Gto Town) said...

good wishes my dear friend AMM I hope with all my heart that you and your wife are better soon