Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Bobo Jenkins - Detroit All Purpose Blues (1977) Big Star - Rare Blues (FLAC)

 Well fun and games (NOT) with this virus i got by clicking on a dodgy banner (or something on you tube?)PLEASE GUYS BE VERY CAREFUL WHERE YOU CLICK ON YOUTUBE,i wouldnt want anyone else to be caught out. So i took my pc to PC World here in the UK a large chain that sells/repairs PC,s etc...The guy told me that it would have to be wiped ! (the easy cop out for them when they cant be arsed to investigate) so i said no way i would lose a lot of personal stuff pictures,docs etc (but not music as none there) i got home and spent a lot of time getting into the thing which was bloody hard!and managed to run Malicious Removal Tool built into windows....just type it in  MRT if you have a virus or run CMD. after an hours scanning it found 2 trojans and GONE! to my relief. I dont believe in AV programs as they are money making for the tech guys etc and a lot of these virus,s are set off by these companys( a pal told me that years ago who worked for an AV company) to make money from the poor old punter.  All i have ever used is malwarebytes and windows defender always done the job for me till now..Its the first time i have had a virus for nearly 30 years so lesson learned....OK The third album i was sent by Xyros(Blues master) for this fine artist!...Superb!

                                                             Review Courtesy Of Xyros

                                                                       The Tasters!


AMM said...

many thanks again XYros for another great review!

Anghellic67$ said...

Great Review Thank you AMM

RMstorm said...

Thanks Xyros for yet another fine Bobo Jenkins review.

richsoul said...

Thank you for this link. Thanks AMM. glad you are back.

Bob Mac said...

Not sure if I have this or not, so will have a copy please to be on the safe side. As always many thanks.

andr3 nalin said...

There's definitely something about that Bobo, a kind of special feel, I would say. Just great, can't git enuff of dem sugarsweet reviews |-) ;) Thanks by the pound dude ✌🏻☀️☮️

PeterH said...

Good to hear the blues again - and goot that you overcame the virus! Thanks for review, P.

reb.jukebox said...

thank you Xyros and AMM for more Bobo

clash said...

Please, thank you and welcome back, man!

DrHepcat said...

What can you say but mo mo Bobo!

pedro B said...

Thanks to Xyros for the BoBo series some great numbers in this set Thanks to AMM

Cheers Pedro

tpee said...

Thanks for the tip on virus removal. Well done. I have a couple of Bobos but not this one. You can never have enough Bobos.

hakase said...

glad you fixed it and hope it never happen again
thanks for this xyros and amm