Wednesday, December 21, 2022

James & Bobby Purify Meet Johnny Johnson & The Bandwagon (1997) Marginal 116 - Rare Soul (MP3) HQ

James & Bobby Purify were an R&B singing duo and cousins, whose biggest hits were "I'm Your Puppet" in 1966, which reached number six in the US Billboard Hot 100 chart and in a re-recorded version number 12 in the UK Singles Chart (in May 1976), and "Let Love Come Between Us" in 1967 a big hit on the UK northern scene, which reached number 23 in the US. The original "Bobby Purify" (Robert Lee Dickey) was replaced by a second "Bobby Purify" (Ben Moore) in the 1970s. They recorded 4 studio albums and 40 singles.sadly both now passed away. Johnny Johnson was born in Florida, and raised in Rochester, New York. more popular in the UK than the USA they toured the circuit of soul and northern clubs in the UK and Europe. They had their first major UK hit in October 1968 with "Breakin' Down the Walls of Heartache", written and produced by Sandy Linzer and Denny Randell, on the Direction label, part of CBS, which reached number 4 on the UK Singles Chart
"Breaking down the walls of heartache" was and still is revered as a classic. Johnny retired years ago through ill health to New York,This CD collects the best of the two acts with most of their northern tracks featured. Without a doubt both acts are legends with the soul fraternity here in the UK at least and when i caught them live they were superb and always delivered the goods!


                                                                      The Tasters!


soultime said...

great double headers review .

RMstorm said...

Thanks AMM. Strange pairing but looks very interesting.

bigcravings said...

Yes and yes. Thanks.

PeterH said...

And let's hear for this musical combination! Thanks for review, P.

Guy said...

Thanks for such a good review

tpee said...

One of my favourite versions of one of my favourite songs on here, "You Left The Water Running". Couple of great groups back in the day remember them well sadly all have passed on now but both spent time on my turntables. Ah the soundtrack to my life! (Amazing that it's still playing). Many thanks.

richsoul said...

Thank for this cd. It really is a great link. thank you AMM.

BillyMac said...

2 KILLERS! Thanks for the Marginal.

Bob Mac said...

Looks interesting, many thanks for the review.

pedro B said...

This is a great Twofer had this for a number of years great review AMM some of my favorite tracks from these to acts

Cheers Pedro

hakase said...

thanks for this weird release of Marginal also for maybe upgrade you done thank you AMM

Anghellic67$ said...

Thank you very much AMM

Rush said...

Thanks for the review AMM great album

reb.jukebox said...

Thank you AMM for this double header

gmortars said...

Is this a soundtrack for a stoned soul picnic? 😎 Thanks, AMM!

Bill said...

A Marginal I haven`t got,but need! (subtle hint)

Guitarradeplastico,scraping oddities said...

plus digging in the brothers