Sunday, September 26, 2021

SUNDAY DOCUMENTARY - Herbie Hancock - Possibilities(2006)

 Herbie Hancock, the renowned jazz musician, has adapted to changing times by continually seeking out and embracing new challenges. For his latest album, "Possibilities," which was released(2006) he invited a variety of pop artists from all over the map, stylistically and geographically, to lend their talents.Cutting from studio scenes to the occasional live performance and regularly employing close-up and split-screen, Doug Biro and Jon Fine's documentary portrays the intense collaborative efforts that went into each track in a way that is both intimate and far reaching. (The film is on DVD by Magnolia Pictures). Christina Aguilera sets the film off on a slightly flat note because of her complete lack of charisma, but makes up for it with a voice of gold. And the artists that follow, including John Mayer, Sting, Carlos Santana and Annie Lennox, are engaging enough to carry movies of their own. (The only one who is out of place is Gina Gershon, who plucks on a jew's-harp during the end credits.)Even though the gifted performers occasionally borrow the spotlight, the true star always remains Mr. Hancock, a longtime practitioner of Buddhism who encourages his adoring colleagues to journey beyond their "comfort zones," resulting in some interactions and freestyle jamming that are truly infectious. Being a fan of this genius gives an insight into his working life & career.I have just about everything he,s recorded so i must post up more of his stuff.

AMM                                                    LINK BELOW FOR 7 DAYS ONLY


                                         DOCUMENTARY REVIEW COURTESY OF REB JUKEBOX


AMM said...

many thx Reb great choice m8!

pedro B said...

Thanks Reb for my Sunday viewing

Cheers Pedro

RMstorm said...

Thanks Reb Jukebox for another must see docu.

richsoul said...

Looks like an interesting film. Look forward to checking this out.

CanoMan said...

Gracias for another great documentary review

raphaelmsx said...

Many thanks for this documentary!!!

renald said...

Cool guy. This will make my Hancock collection look cool!! Always nice to see them live. Nice review!