Friday, February 25, 2022


I thought that the world had learned from the madness of the past world war..but seems another little man hell bent on conquest has sprung up and murdering innocent people just so he can claw back the old countries that were part of the USSR till Gorbachev came along and restored some credibility to that countrys reputation. He (Gorby) was brought up with the chaos and madness that evolved from many years dictatorship and wanted/did bring about change by dismantling the empire of evil.Sadly that didnt last long...i dont normally go off the topic of Music on this blog,but i feel compelled to write something up tonight in solidarity with the poor souls of the Ukraine who are being invaded,murdered,and oppressed in only the way Russia knows how, and the so called civilised world is doing NOTHING again with their pathetic sanctions that putin was seen laughing about on the tv recently.. Rumours on the net that their new buddies who incidently are bank rolling them,China are about to strike and take back Taiwan, seeing as no one is coming to the aid of Ukraine...So expect this may be the next ugly exercise to pop up on everyones media outlet. How is it a guy thats worth an estimated $200 Billion not content to just enjoy life and try to improve the still medieval existance that exists in 95% of his country ?...simple..because in my opinion there are good & decent people in the world and there are pure evil scumbags like this little man who came from poverty ,fought his way up to the top with the aid of his Gangster pals & cohorts in the old KGB....The similarities between him and the Nazi,s are quite striking in that the Nazis moved at a faster pace..While putin slowly,slowly started with annexing back Georgia(2008),then chechnya(2009 after 10 years of fighting), and Syria (2015) and now the you see the pattern that has emerged over a longer period of time than the swift time it took the nazis... The future for all of us does not look that promising because as in the 1930,s Good men sit back and do nothing & we all know how that ended....Strange that the "Covid" thing has now taken a back seat and isnt the menace to the world any more...Hmmm ?...Sorry if this offends any members,but we live cosy lives in the west and have no idea what savagery exists out there till it finds its way into our homes via all the Media,and eventually we have to actually stand up and say no more,even if that means meeting force with force..lets hope it does not come to that,but i wouldnt hold your breath. Good Night,stay safe.



pmac said...

Old enough to remember the get under your desk and hide drills from elementary school days at the height of the Cuban missile crisis. Fast forward to today, and now there are American politicians and voters who publicly support Putin. Its one of the reasons my wife and I decided to get the hell out of there and retire elsewhere. Man's inhumanity to his own kind can often know no bounds. Thankfully, there are also some truly kind and loving people in this world, and as bad as things may appear, we must never lose site of all this beauty. Salud, mi amigo.

USMAN47 said...

Well received the message and totally agree.


oldsoulrebel said...

The West needs to stand up to his aggression, beautiful Estonia and the Baltic States and Finland will next

DrHepcat said...


Moe said...

Totally agree. The money hes spending and the hurt to the Russian stock market and economy is severely hurting his own people also

AMM said...

i have a m8 who was born there but been over here since a kid..he,s 58 and with 5 other blokes is going back to fight,sent me an email saying goodbye as he expects to get killed.
what can you say ?,very brave guys one and all.

richsoul said...

You simply made a correct observation. You are correct we do live a very cozy life. To hell with Russia, it must be stopped. Thanks AMM

Bill said...

He needs to be retired;-)

Bill said...

I worry what my children and grandchildren will face with crazies like Putin having access to nukes.

Anton said...

Same Mean Old World...

raphaelmsx said...

Totally agree, makes me so sad to live in a world like this... :(

pedro B said...

Very hard what to predict next with this guy(scum),but just sanctions is not enough its like something out of James bond sort of blofeld in fact he has look of him twisted too He obviously didn't have toys as a kid.
