Tuesday, February 8, 2022


i,ve had an email from someone complaining why i dont answer requests and emails from 5pm GMT..As i have always said i have a life outside this blog and a wife to keep happy.when my nights with the family are done i always reply to requests and emails before i go to bed.As people on here are from all different timezones i think the majority of you will understand...Sadly you cant please all the people all of the time even when they get music for NOTHING!..there are many blogs out there that charge money and ask/demand for donations,i will never do that as its not why i do this.


Smokey said...

Keep on keeping on, I would say.
There are too many self centered people around, always complaining.
I love the music you post and understand the time it will take to do all this.

USMAN47 said...

How I understand you my friend. There are people who do not realize the time spent for their sole pleasure and who are never happy, even for free!!! Unfortunately, it's like that everywhere, even outside of music. That's what I call ingratitude.


MusicFan59 said...

As Mr.Brown would say they are "Talking Loud and Saying Nothing"!!!

BillyMac said...

I hope that the guy, for just a minute, forgot everything you wrote above and that he just wasn't thinking about all that you do here. I hope.

PeterH said...

You dedicate so much time to the music and to your blog and its fans, that everybody should understand you need time for your "real life" and your family. And anybody who doesn't understand ... good riddance to them. All the best, my friend ... Peter

oldsoulrebel said...

the same thing used to happen to me when I was running a blog, ungrateful soda.....

Guitarradeplastico,scraping oddities said...

It is better not to answer someone who asks so much and then does not give anything or who does not thank you, greetings and thank you very much for your blog, it would be good if you published a list of albums that you could not get (perhaps we have one or we will notify you when we find it, sometime very rare albums also appear on youtube and on other similar sites)

richsoul said...

You are thank God human. You have a life. Keep doing what you are doing. Great blog and so many appreciate your work. I know the part about the wife. Sometimes I take longer in answering and this is the main reason Thanks AMM

reb.jukebox said...

Well we have so strange people in the world!!
It's your site and you need time away from the site. If i have ever asked to something i always get a reply i never expect it straight away, but for me i always know you will get back to me in your own time.
Why do some poeple want to make a meal out of everything!! You spent many hours here sparing things and compiling compilations, if some people are not happy then tell them to FO!!

pedro B said...

There are 7/8 hours difference so that mean AMM would have stop up all night or me to stop up all night so lets get this right it not much to wait, patience is a virtue and lets get back to reality I am happy the way it is you know it makes sense Rodney as dell boy would say
Cheers AMM for a great blog Pedro

Rush said...

Hi AMM, we have had conversations and never have you not replied on any of my mails and if it were to happen I would honestly know that your are occupied

CanoMan said...

Thanks for all the hard work you put into this blog to share these great reviews a lot of new o es for me a d time zones are way off to keep up with people and email will eventually get answered so just be patient people

Anton said...

All The Credit Goes To The Mighty AMM,We Are All Thankful For This Time And Place That You Provide So Eager,
Big Thanks,Encore!

Little Bill said...

I think most of the comments describe well the situation.It has become a crazy world so expecting an immediate answer is a stupid thing but innocent compared to what we see every day.
AllMusicMan we appreciate your efforts and not only but also your personality to the extent we are able to know, so please ignore this guy!

Soulsville said...

Hi AMM, How unkind of some people who demanding instant attention, maybe they don't belong in the group. AMM you are doing a great job, thank you for all the time and effort you put into this blog. Thank you,

Rocco said...

Hello my friend.
Don't worry, you are doing just great.
Family before everything.
La sacra famiglia.


renald said...

Send them To the Candy man, LOL, you'll see how the Candy Man Pukes on them, lol!! We are grateful for what you are doing for us!!

Tel said...

It's A Sad Fact That There Are People In The World That Are Just Never Satisfied.
Why Would They Think That You Man Your Blog 24/7. It Is After All A Hobby Not A Job.