Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Still Not Feeling So Great....But Easing back Into Blogosphere!

Well i,m just starting to recover from the Flu which has knocked my wife and i completely off our feet!...Nasty bloody thing,but very bored watching the drivel that passes itself of as TV entertainment ?


gmortars said...

Good to see you back, mate. I'm never bored by TV because I never watch it (I tuned out in about 1995). I much prefer listening to music. Never gets me down. 😎

Jumpstart said...

Glad to see you back! I was worried it was something more serious when you wrote that you weren't feeling well. And if you think british tv stinks, I can assure you that the sh*t they show here in Scandinavia is even worse... lol.

Take care and get well!


Big Dave said...

Glad you're feeling better mate, best wishes for a speedy total recovery.
Australian TV is the worst of all... just so called 'reality' crap.
Proud to be among the non-watchers!


Bob Mac said...

Sorry to hear you have been unwell. Good to hear you are recovering.

Bill said...

GLAD you`re back, GLAD you`re well and REALLY glad you reviewed VA Rolling with the punches!! STAY well or you`ll have me to answer to!!;-)

Arty said...

Good to see you (and your wife) back on your feet, AMM. As for rubbish TV, no comment! :)

oldsoulrebel said...

Great to hear that your both feeling better, welcome back

andr3 nalin said...

Good to hear that it seems to be "just" the flu. Get well, take care and all the best :) 🌞☮️✌🏻

MusicFan59 said...

Good to see you are feeling better. Hope you wife is recovering as well. Having the flu sucks...

trinity said...

glad you're on the mend mate - i hear you on the shite that passes for tv these days

raphaelmsx said...

Hi!!! Good to hear that you are feeling better!

Guitarradeplastico,scraping oddities said...

I same

Tel said...

Glad To See You Back And Feeling Better

AMM said...

many thx for all your very kind words guys...never had a crap time like this for years!

BillyMac said...

You had me worried, m8. Keep drinking tons of water. And get some rest. Don't try to come back at full blast. Nasty stuff.

Rush said...

Wishing you and your wife a full recovery

richsoul said...

Take care my dear friend and take it easy. Flu is no joke. Take care AMM

Wicked Souldies (Gto Town) said...

take care of yourself my dear friend AMM I hope you are better soon a big hug for you and your wife