Sunday, December 3, 2023

Sunday Review - The.T.A.M.I.Show 1964 - 1 Hour 52 Minutes (1.75GB)

In October 1964, the place to be if you were a teenager living in Southern California, was the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium; if you were a teenager from anywhere, in that heady year with the British invasion of America in full swing, then it was still the place to be, if only you could have somehow got there. On October 28, filming began on what has become known as the T.A.M.I. Show, even the organizers couldn’t quite agree what it meant, their publicity handouts had it as both the “Teenage Awards Music International” and “Teen Age Music International”. No matter, T.A.M.I. will do and for that Wednesday and Thursday in the autumn of ‘64, it was the hottest ticket in town, although no one actually paid for one as they were distributed to local high school students, for free. A packed house of teenagers goes wild for Chuck Berry, who opens the show with one of his best-known songs, "Maybelline." From there, the Beach Boys, the Rolling Stones, Marvin Gaye and many others perform their hits from the era. This concert is especially notable for including the first televised performance by James Brown. Many soul artists featured alongside Mainstream legends.


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soultime said...

This looks good thanks AMM .

Anghellic67$ said...

Thank you AMM For The Sunday Documentary,Much Appreciated

USMAN47 said...

Sweet little sixties !!! Alas all my distant youth now.


Thanks AMM


Carlos Uria said...

Thank you for the Sunday Review AMM!!

gmortars said...

Is that a dream line-up or is that a dream line-up?
Thanks, AMM!

Ray said...

Thanks for the TAMI review AMM

RMstorm said...

Thanks AMM for this absolutely classic show.

Big Dave said...

This looks good... many thanks AMM


richsoul said...

i've seen parts of it on you tube. I would sure like to see the whole thing. Thank you AMM for a great review and of course a great show. Thank you AMM.

soul quinquin said...

All the carefreeness of our sixties, now lost in this period. Thank you AMM.

pedro B said...

I have seen this before a long time ago so why watch it again for good measure
Thanks AMM

Cheers Pedro

imnokid said...

yes on the Tami show.

hakase said...

thanks for this

Rush said...

Thanks for the gem AMM

trinity said...

Thanks mate, brilliant review

Gustavo said...

Thanks AMM for this documentary that includes so many artists.