Monday, July 11, 2022


If any more of my posts and links show up on any other blogs/sites/forums without consent i will CLOSE the blog down...Last chance saloon, so have respect or you will get nothing as i will be gone. These posts are for YOU only as private members. I have kicked out well known people for non respect of my rules,is it too much to ask ? if you want me to continue its up to you. You can hunt around the web for similar music but you will not find it in top quality format and new releases as you will here lets have a little respect or its adios!



BillyMac said...

All Music Man shouldn't have to waste his time writing these missives about post sharing. He has enough to do running this site. We have a great group of guys/ladies here, and I would absolutely hate to see it all blow up. Whoever the offenders are please consider the fact that many of us on here are senior citizens, and AMM is finally giving us a chance to hear soul music we would never hear before we get in the check-out line. I beg you to please stop sharing or at the very least to consult with AMM before posting. Consider this: if AMM were to close shop, where would we go? C'mon, let's keep this blog going.

Guitarradeplastico,scraping oddities said...

these are the rules, I very grateful to this great blog

Moe said...

I respect the rules, but i can't control what everyone else does so i hope the ones sharing links don't make all of us suffer for their lack of respect.

oldsoulrebel said...

Anyone who is not willing to abide by the rules should have the decency to leave this site. AMM is providing us all with great music and his time for free

please enjoy it but do not abuse it!, its that simple

pedro B said...

May be some people think that they are smart well smart maybe but in the world of electronics digital media nothing get past us supposably cluesless people over aged dudes seniors calls us what you will but it a small space where this type of music is listen to and appreciated so get a grip out there and give the share gig away otherwise its doom and gloom for all of us who love these sounds.And a dam fine job with a lot of hard work goes into this Thanks AMM/Moxy

Anghellic67$ said...

I appreciate your time and effort for sharing music to us AMM/Moxy and it's not fair that people do that and mess it up for the rest of us,I also respect this blog Thank you,Always Appreciated

Wicked Souldies (Gto Town) said...

you are so right AMM sometimes the albums are hard to get I keep many repeated albums both in flac and mp3 the doubt I have is if one day I decided to publish on my page would I be out of the blog?

Big Dave said...

Once again mate, I'm 100% behind you on this.
Some people just have no respect for the rules...


Bob Mac said...

Sorry to hear about this AMM. Sad there are people who disrespect your wishes. Recently there was a very rare Chess blues LP posted on this blog and I instantly knew some of my blues collector friends would love to have a copy. So I asked AMM for permission to share it. AMM agreed so I posted a copy on another blues blog. That's how it's done everybody.

MusicFan59 said...

Bottom line - some people are real @55h01es...