Saturday, July 16, 2022

Hollygrove - New Orleans Best Kept Secret Various Artists (1982) LP Only - Home Brew Records (MP3) - Rare Soul

Picked this up for peanuts years ago and got a request for it. On doing my research not a lot of info but i did know that the group named themselves after an area of New Orleans. Although this album by the group Hollygrove is titled "New Orleans best kept secret" it was recorded in Philadelphia using all the top  musicians from philly such as Jimmy William's, Keith Benson, Bobby Eli and Richie Rome. The production was taken care of by Allen Felder , Winfred Lovett and Gary Gilbert. The connection with New Orleans comes in when we discover that one of the three vocalists of this group is Theryl de' Clouet who originally came from New Orleans. Although only a mini album all the songs are quality of which one is an up tempo dancer and the others being mid pace to ballads. The lavish production and strong vocals from the group members and those especially from Theryl have made this a very collectable album in Japan and yet almost unheard of in the UK & Europe with the exception of hard core collectors.Theryl is best known by many for his 1989 single "Open up your heart" which was also a Philly production although I believe he is still recording to this day.For some reason this does seem to be a rare album although it should be noted that bootleg / reissue copies do exist and are almost identical to the originals. This is a short but beautiful album,a shame they vanished with nothing else recorded.






Anghellic67$ said...

Great Review Thank you AMM

PeterH said...

No New Orleans music should be kept secret ... Thanks for review, P.

Little Bill said...

Excellent choice many thanks amm!

Bill said...

New to me,...but interesting!Thanks for the share!

pedro B said...

Cant say i have heard of them but Theryl de' Clouet or houseman as they called him past away back in 2018 only 66 he use to play on and off with Galactic a group I do not much about but he did do a couple of albums not that I have any heard a few tracks on YouTube but thats a bout it . But this set is really good very much old style enjoyed it Thanks AMM for the review

Cheers Pedro

renald said...

You the best AMM. Thanks for sharing your rarities with us. It's such a pleasure listening to groups like this, and also not forgetting who made it possible. Thumbs Up for AMM!!!

USMAN47 said...

Here is a discovery for me, but as it is New Orleans it can only be interesting!!!
Thanks AMM


RMstorm said...

Thanks AMM for spreading the secret.

Jumpstart said...

The tasters sound good. Thanks for the review.


BillyMac said...

Got to hear my buddy Bobby Eli on this rare one!

ELtel said...

Finally made it back to the present day MM, thanks for the rare soul review.

CanoMan said...

Interesting review thanks

soul quinquin said...

A discovery for me and of course, I can't wait to taste this pancake (I'm a gourmet). Thanks Collins.

Bob Mac said...

Looks interesting, thanks for the review.

Big Dave said...

A secret unbeknowns to me until just now... thanks for the review AMM


Arty said...

Yes please, AMM. Yet another unknown for me. Thank you.

hakase said...

thanks much for this rare indeed i think heard the name but never seen anywhere till now!

pmac said...

Group is new to me, but not Theryl. He was the lead singer for several years for a NO jazz/funk group, Galactic. Galactic is still very much alive and kicking and the band members also bought the seminal music venue, Tipitina's, several years ago in order to keep it afloat (they were also owed several thousands dollars for a series of concerts they performed there, that the old owner defaulted on paying).
Sadly, Theryl passd in 2018, from cancer. He lived in Chicago for over the last 10 years of his life, but Galactic did several fundraisers for him in an effort to help with his medical costs.
Hollygrove is a neighborhood in the uptown section of NO. ALmost exclusively African American, its mostly a poor section of town. Theryl was born there.
Looking forward to hearing Theryl's pre-Galactic music. Great preview, again, AMM!

Rush said...

Great review AMM just love the track Runin Slipin Slidin Throuhg

AMM said...

many thx Pmac for the xtra info

clash said...

Very much looking forward to listening to this. Please and big thanks!

PhilN said...

Good pick. Excellent tasters & review.

reb.jukebox said...

new one for me many thanks AMM

richsoul said...

Thanks for this secret, I just wish that all these artists would get their due. Thanks AMM.

Lordchester said...

New to me, thanks for sharing.

Soulsville said...

Hello AMM,

another great review, thank you

Guitarradeplastico,scraping oddities said...

Many thanks for the rare New Orleans music