Tuesday, August 2, 2022


I know most of you guys want me to carry on as do i really,but i have the same old problem with posts/files being shared elsewhere. Soulseek rooms seems to have quite a few of my posts. The only way they can end up on there & other sites is people on here sharing them ?   then they are appearing on sites that unscrupulous bloggers charging money for membership and downloads that they get via soulseek,TZ and other sites...So am i missing the point here ? as ive tried to make it as plain and simple as possible. My posts are for YOU only,so why in the name of god are people sharing them elsewhere ? Am i such an out of date dinosaur that my one ond only simple request is being ignored ?  I know of 4 guys on here that are on soulseek and i want to trust everybody thats left on here,but how can i when its still persisting ? My main aim has always been to share one on one with music i have purchased over the years, and you guys have in say in what you share,some of you are not bothered about your shares ending up on other sites but the majority just want them shared on here only..thats why the blog is private. I got slagged off on TZ(like i care   lol..not a lot) for being honest and airing my opinions which fell on deaf ears by the trolls and idiots with blinkered vision and vitrol who have no comprehension what the word respect means as long as they are looking down a one way street..Even if i dont agree with someone else,s opinions i will still RESPECT them so my visits there are finished.i,m not going on a witchhunt with the guys on here and soulseek as its about trust and respect as far as i am concerned,if i didnt think i could trust you i would close up in a heartbeat. I welcome your opinions as to what to do as i really am in limbo over this...SO HAVE YOUR SAY...If my posts /links cant remain in house on here with you all and remain private then whats the point in me carrying on ? i will leave comments open and unmoderated for your opinions as i show you all the respect i have for you....I,m still out fishing and hope to have this resolved one way or another on my return.






pmac said...

Not sure there is any fool proof way to prevent your files from being posted elsewhere. It stinks, but I also think you might be overlooking the fact that there appears to be little reposting of files from your site as there is to other music blogs.

AMM said...

ok pmac, thx for feedback m8

oldsoulrebel said...

I can't see what more you can do to stop odd people sharing your files. You have some great folk on this site but the occasional bad apple keeps breaking your rules and trust. What to do about it? All I can suggest is that you think carefully about who you have on your site. Can you trust anyone who uses Soulseek?

Please don't close the blog because of the few who will not follow the rules, you need to find out who they are and deal with them as you see fit. Everyone who is using your blog should have the decency and respect to follow the rules, if they don't they should f*** off and leave the rest of us to enjoy what is truly a fantastic blog

you will always have my respect Collins whichever way you decide to go


Rocco said...

Whatever your deceision may be , know that there a lot of friends who do respect you hard work.
I respect any deceision you take , but it's a great loss to sea you leave.
Meanwhile try to enjoy the fishing and take all the time you need.
Have a soulful evening my friend.


Little Bill said...

AMM you know that I do not want the blog closed so I vote yes, but it is your blog and your rules. I am grateful for what was shared so far!

AMM said...

Thx OSR,Little Bill,Rocco for your comments

Chocoreve said...

AMM, we all know you're a great guy and we respect the amount of work this blog represents. We certainly prefer the blog stays alive, but if it's not a pleasure anymore for you, I will respect your choice. Thanks for the great reviews you generously shared !

bostig said...

I really appreciate your blog and I really hope that you will continue. Enjoy your fishing.
All the best

AMM said...

thx chocoreve and bostig for your comments

gmortars said...

To carry on. 😎

But I say that because I'm greedy all over and want more of your RNS volumes. 👼

However, I agree with pmac: you can't really control what happens to your files once you share them with somebody.

I can imagine it stings when someone is charging people to download files you made, or posts them on hosts that pay by the download, but perhaps it's better to combat this by sharing those particular files publicly somewhere.

AMM said...

thx Gmortars for your comment

AMM said...

if anybody wants to email me in confidence with any info please feel free to do so to enable the blog to continue.

thank you

USMAN47 said...

It is almost impossible to monitor everything. There will always be traitors like everywhere. It's human nature. However, on the specialized sites that I frequent, I don't really encounter files from you. Ultimately it's up to you to decide but I will be very unhappy to lose you, because you are a wealth of knowledge.


AMM said...

thx usman47 for your comments

pmac said...

And, it went unsaid in my previous post, but as we have discussed, this is a fantastic place that you have created. Selfishly, I would love for it to continue. But, we all fully understand that you need to do what is best for you.

AMM said...

i know pmac thats why i,m attempting to tighten things up..we,ll see what happens m8....
again,your very kind comments are greatly appreciated as with all the rest of you decent guys.

andr3 nalin said...

Oh man "what a fucked up world we live in" I quite often think. I remember the only time I ever uploaded anything was files Dean was missing a while ago at his anorakrockabilly45r...-page. I was superhappy that it worked and in the end it was somehow his "own" files that he'd lost somehow. To get back to the issue: I can also totally understand the whole thing, it's a thing of mistrust isn't it(?) I mean everyone of us knows that it's important to you and I guess the majority sticks to that. I totally dig that you're thinking a lot about everything and that you discuss it with us, all in all, you, this whole "place" is something really rare. "Keep the faith" any way it turns out ;) :) 🌞✌🏻☮️

Anton said...

This Is A Wicked World Indeed...Try And Stay Not Too Bothered With The Usual Crap Ain't Easy But Necessary. Once You Have Your Point,And We All Agree On That,Should Turn Intro Own Priority,The Way You Really
Feel, Hopefuly It Turns Out For The Best
Again And Again Thank You Kindly For Everything So Far!

ELtel said...

MM, respect to you my friend, i'd like so say i'll respect any decision you make, but i can't cos i'd like you to carry on. I can understand your anger at you stuff being reposted when you pay for most of what is shared here & for storage service, There are some great guys on here (including Ladies) who step up & share their reviews also. You only need to look at the comments here to see the support you have. On Soulseek, as you're well aware, my computer skill are pretty tragic, so i don't use it. However there may by folks who catalogue files the same as myself, ARTISTS ALPHABETICAL, VARIOUS ARTISTS ALPHABETICAL on my HD's. If that is the case and folks are leaving drives open for sharing on soulseek, by default they are giving your stuff away, so suggest they put your reviews on a separate HD. As for sharing your posts against your will is just not on. Take as long as you wish to get your head round it MM, hope you stay & big thanks for all your shares.

Jumpstart said...

I agree with pmac. As far as I can see there is no way you can be 100% certain that files that you have shared on this blog will not be shared on other sites or through programs like Soulseek. But, as pmac also pointed out, there seems to be little reposting of music from this blog.

I of course hope you will continue with this blog. I think your work with this blog has been absolutely fantastic from the start (which I have told you on several occasions).

But if you choose to continue, I guess you will have to accept that there will from time to time be someone who doesn't respect your rule about not sharing the files in other forums. I understand this upsets you, but unfortunately that's how the world works. In any context there will always be someone who breaks the rules. The question is - as I see it - if we should let these few people ruin something that the rest of us appreciate a lot?

My answer to that question is no, but in the end it's up to you to decide what your answer will be. You have my respect and support whatever you choose to do.


Tel said...

As Has Already Been Said This Is A Great Blog Filled With Likeminded People, It Is Always Sad To See Great Blogs Go By The Wayside.
We Are All Here For One Common Goal And That Is To Keep The Music Alive.
The Owner Of The Blog Is Just That. THE OWNER, And As So People Should Follow The Rules And If They Can't Then Just Ship Out.
I For One Hope That You Carry On With The Blog, But If You Decide Otherwise Then Good Luck To You In The Future And Thank You For What You Have Shared

Big Dave said...

It would be a great pity if you were to close the blog because of a few arseholes... although I understand that it's YOUR blog, and YOU make the rules. If some people cannot honour that simple request not to share, then they have no business on here and they should f*ck off !!!

Personally, I value tremendously the work that you do bringing us these great reviews. I agree that it is a tricky thing to try to police... there will always be always be arseholes out there... not content with getting stuff for free, they just can't help breaking the rules.

Please don't close down this amazing resource, but definitely kick those selfish bastards to hell and back.

All the best mate,

AMM said...

@ ELtel,BigDave,Jumpstart,Tel,Anton,andr3nalin,anghellic67,davetuba

thank you guys for giving me your feedback on here and emailing me..and your very kind comments. i,m getting bits and bobs back together & soulseek seems to be the main catalyst of the problem. i didnt realise as eltel & davetuba told me that if your on there files on certain drives are uploaded,thx for that info guys as i had no idea.so i am learning something myself i didnt know !..can i ask you guys on soulseek to keep the files of this blog from being uploaded to a seperate drive please..a good friend suggested i should expel everyone from the blog who is on soulseek,but at this stage i,m not doing that.The general concensus is that you all want to adhere to the no sharing rule and continue with the blog.I,m just waiting to amass more info before any action is to be taken regarding expulsions...which i dont want to do believe me!...the sad thing is most of the guys on soulseek are being exploited by certain soul blogs to make money unknowingly...usual scumbags Bentlyfunk,funkytown,rockingbandit to name a few who steal links for monetary gain...and theres a lot more, it really is alarming...makes me sick to the stomach they do this on the back of the wonderful and talented artists still around and passed away..thats life!..decent people and scumbags...i have listened to you all in depth and i want to carry on,so bear with me a little longer as theres a few more to kick out...you know who you are!..thankfully i have a lot of good friends on here and out in blogosphere that are feeding me some info to clean house..once again its a privilege to have a great community on here who i value very much...so its looking good!...stay tuned!..i dont expect a 100% result but the weeding process has to improve the future of the blog and i can put this unsavory business to rest once and for all...Collins

Arty said...

I have to agree with your opinion, AMM. People here should respect your wishes, and the files etc. should not be shared elsewhere, yet alone used for monetary gain. I'm no tech. wizard, but there must be a way for you to share files with specific members only, after you verify who those people are. A start point could be the many folk who already support your views on here. Perhaps you could email individuals you trust a file protection password one by one, which you then change as you wish, say monthly. It's a pain, but there must be a way to reduce/ stop irresponsible file sharing. CheerS. John

AMM said...


thx for your comments arty,thing is the work i do is really very time consuming and your idea is interesting and a good one,at this stage would only add to my workload.. but thanks for adding your opinions,might keep this idea on the back burner m8!



AMM said...

its 00:15 GMT here in the UK, but different timezones around the world for some of you guys..feel free to add your comments/ideas as i,m off to bed so i will say good night & god bless to you all and thx for the feedback and the comments to come.


MusicFan59 said...

Hey AMM,
It's a shame that people cannot abide by the rules. Your blog has exposed me to artists that never made it over here to the US or if the did, they were not promoted correctly so it has been a great experience being a member. I would love for the blog to stay open but I also understand that when the fun goes away it turns into work. At the end of the day you must do what is best for you and I respect and support you in whatever decision you make,

richsoul said...

I agree with all the folks on this blog. You site is hard to come by. You offer some rare artist and their music. Some albums and the works. Stay on. Don't let a few spoil what is truly a great blog. Very few persons can make a review as good as you do. I also can not see why it is so hard to follow your rule. I don't care about all the other arguments. It is your site and you have a right to run like you see fit. stay on. My hard drive is getting full but I will find a way. If you leave, It won't matter if I have free space or not. You are a good person and the thank you I give is small compared to your hard work. thanks AMM

tsi&hrjs said...

Hello AMM,

I vote for you to continue the blog. I'm sure you love doing it or you wouldn't invest all the time and effort. You know most of your subscribers and we would all miss you if you left. You bring a lot of joy to a lot of people. Unfortunately there will always be a few assholes who get pleasure from messing up a good thing.

You will have to decide what is best for you. My simple equation is: Is the gain worth the pain?

That's how I make important decisions.


pedro B said...

I think you know my feelings on this as I have said in the past as for soulseek I must say I don t know much about it and to quite honest I couldn't give a shit about it,if files from your blog get on that site it can only be from sharing from others.Its seems silly that they think know one will. All in all AMM I hope you carry on as the knowledge that you have out·weigh most of us and that is also what interest me, I love them reviews it history in the making. Carry with your fishing for now try a few spots Pennington flash,Shropshire union and Bridgewater canal
Grey mist ,Ackers Pit. Whenever you choose just have a great fishing trip and hope you catch that elusive one that got away once. Take care and stay healthy


Bob Mac said...

Hi Collins (and everyone else here). I don't think there's much I can add to what has already been said here. Obviously I don't want to see your blog closed. All of us here, including yourself, want the blog to continue. Over the years I've seen quite a few blog owners get incensed over people sharing their posts, or not saying thanks, or making trolling comments. Unfortunately, such things are just the way of the internet and there's very little, if anything, that you can do about it. So my suggestion is carry on, but just accept the fact that it's not a perfect world and there will be a bit of leakage from time to time.

BillyMac said...

You've collected a helluva bunch of guys here, AMM. If I ever need therapy(wife says I do), I'll talk to this august group. Almost every point has been made. I can't add anything of note. Chocoreve,as usual, makes a good observation with your welfare in mind. It's not good for your psyche or soul to walk around pissed off for too long in this short life of ours. This is supposed to be fun and pleasurable. I can't believe I'm writing this because I love this blog and want you to stay and enjoy it. So let me point you to Bob Mac's wisdom in his last two sentences as a way to reframe things. Let's keep the gang together.

PeterH said...

Dear AMM! Your decision and your rules ... Of course we would all be glad should you decide to continue, but we would also understand if you don't want to bear with these greedy and stupid rule-breakers anymore. Yours, thankfully, P.

AMM said...


09:55AM here in uk...Good Morning..wow!..thanks guys for your words of wisdom..very humbled and touched my heart.
all taken on board and noted. THE BLOG WILL CONTINUE SO PLEASE BE PATIENT after i get a bit more info to clean house hopefully for the last time.

reb.jukebox said...

Hi AMM as most here have said we hope you continue with this wonderful site, but if you decide to close it then can totally understand. The vast majority abide by the no sharing no rule except for the odd bad apple, you have already removed a few of these, so most left you can trust.
As oldsoulrebel said the problem seems now with members who are also members of Soulseek and if they can be trusted. As that is where VIN acquired the files from. I have no knowledge of soulseek or how it works as have never used it, and files I have got from TZ that are from there are never good.
And as others have said you have no control over what happens with your files once someone has them on their HD, as Eltel says put the stuff you get from here in a separate folder, which I have done since day one.
At the end of the day collins you're the boss, it's your site and your rules and if people can't abide by these rules, then please leave and stop spoiling it for the members who follow the rules.
Respect to all Reb

Soulsville said...


Many thanks for your words on your feelings. You are absolutely right to call out about what has been happening. You are providing many of us with stuff we don't have, so I think it is only right that we as members of this blog observe the rules of the blog. Members should not share something from this blog that they can't find elsewhere it is a slap in the face to AMM, it is a shame that some have. Let's not bugger this excellent blog up. Respect AMM and do not share, thanks
