Sunday, February 4, 2024

PLEASE READ*****Moxy ,s Email address has been hacked/scammed - Some Advice for You All*****PLEASE READ

if anyone gets an "email" from moxy/steve skerrett from his GMX account please ignore, our russian hackers/scammers are at it again. He has removed everyone in his address book to prevent any more hassle. if this unfortunate event happens to anyone on here empty out your address book but back it up on a doc etc, they cant do a thing then. Every night before i switch off on windows ( if you have that) right click the Start button & a pop up menu will appear click "Run" & a Box will pop up...enter as follows   %temp%  that will open up a Temporary folder, highlight everthing in there and delete..than follow the same steps to "Run" then type as follows   temp   that will open up the hidden folder , again highlight everything and delete. Another precaution you can take is follow the previous steps to    Run   and type in    prefetch     A box will appear saying you dont have permission to access it (What ? and its your PC!) ignore and again highlight everything in there and there will be a lot of cookies..and delete the lot..Doing this will not harm your PC one bit, if anything it will speed it up...If you have your passwords saved to your browser as i do, i then go to Settings in my Mozilla Firefox..( If you have a different browser you,ll have to navigate around your settings till you find the following) then privacy & security  then go to clear data and then to clear history, but make sure you have your passwords saved on browser or elsewhare. I dont have an Anti-Virus program as they are a complete waste of time & i believe these people set virus,s off to garner business, i just have windows defender that does the job. As long as you dont go to any russian sites or naughty ones you should be ok..i hope this helps.....To avoid trojans in emails put in a ficticious address like AAAAAA-AAAAAA it will auto go to top of your addess book, that will confuse the worms that these bastards use.



reb.jukebox said...

yeah i got one from him this morning very early. But it email address was not quite right

RMstorm said...

I got a Steve email. Thanks for heads up

AMM said...

To avoid trojans in emails put in a ficticious address like AAAAAA-AAAAAA it will auto go to top of your addess book, that will confuse the worms that these bastards use.

Big Dave said...

I got one too... I replied to it... bugger !!!

Big Dave said...

.... I followed your instructions re '%temp%' & 'prefetch'... thanks for the instructions. Hopefully no damage done from opening that email.


Rush said...

Noted thanks AMM

USMAN47 said...

No worries. I have a Norton anti-virus that scans the message, including when opening the message. In this case, nothing in the message and especially no attachment. Be careful.


AMM said...

as i previously said AV is the last thing i would trust,just a money making racket.. if you stay off weird sites and apply common sense & follow my guidelines you should be ok...but your choice.