Sunday, April 21, 2024

Sunday Review - The Detroit Interviews 9 & 10 - The Detroit Interviews Al Kent (Al Hamilton) & Arthur Ashford of The Precisions (Total time 48 Minutes 148MB)

More superb interviews about what went on behind the scene in Detroit during those heady days!

                                                                                                                  AL KENT

                                                                                       ARTHUR IS FAR RIGHT SIDE


deadwoodie said...

Fantastic series

Renald Heyns said...

What a lovely way to close the week! Wasn't this week fantastic? We had some of the best reviews. What more can we ask for. Thank you, AMM!

oldsoulrebel said...

These Detroit documentaries are great, they really put the story across well, thanks for the reviews AMM

USMAN47 said...

2 more magnificent videos from the great era of Detroit.

Thanks AMM


Ray said...

thanks for the latest Detroit Interviews review AMM

Anton said...

Thankful For All The Great Music!

soultime said...

Great series , thanks for posting them .

trinity said...

thank you mate - great review

Gustavo said...

Thanks AMM for these interviews

RMstorm said...

Thanks AMM - enjoying the whole Detroit Interview series

richsoul said...

Thanks for the videos and the precisions. I always enjoyed there music and would enjoy hearing all their tunes. thank you AMM.

reb.jukebox said...

thank you AMM

Rush said...

Thanks for the Sunday review AMM

soulfood said...

Living these interviews cheers AMM