Wednesday, May 29, 2024


May i just remind you all NO SHARING ELSEWHERE ON ANY SITE please or with ex-members of this blog, all our albums are now encrypted with a hidden code that cant be deleted for everybody who requests an album. So if they turn up elsewhere we now know exactly who has been sharing them and they will be kicked off for life..its all about having respect. So enjoy the music as you will not be able to get such quality albums anywhere else out there without paying a lot of money. I think you all get your moneys worth for the paltry subscription each year guys.



Renald Heyns said...

Agreed, AMM!!

tsi&hrjs said...

I agree AMM, glad you found a way to trace the traitors!

Big Dave said...

Yup... there are still a few assholes out there who need to be reminded of the rules !!

IAN said...

Well said, it's a pity you have to.

Rush said...

Respect, AMM that's what it comes down to well noted

richsoul said...

I am a simple person. When someone tells me not to do something, I just don't do it. I appreciate all the hard work you put into posting this material. You could be doing other things. Thank you for all the posts.

pedro B said...

I agree with all the other guys AMM
