Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday Review 21 & 22 - The Detroit Interviews - The Debonaires - interviews with Elsie Baker & Diane Hogans & Eddie Union of The Volumes

 More interviews featuring this with 2 of the giants from Detroit, The Debonaires & The Volumes

                                                                                    Review Available For 7 Days Only


Renald Heyns said...

It is always a pleasure to receive these Sunday reviews, AMM. Thank you so much for Detroit Volume 21 and 22.

deadwoodie said...

Thanks-i look forward to Sunday

USMAN47 said...

The Debonaires. Here is another group that enchanted my youth!!!

Thank you AMM for all the videos and interviews.


reb.jukebox said...

Cheers AMM good stuff

oldsoulrebel said...

Fantastic history lessons these

Anton said...

Thanks Encore

Ray said...

thank you for the latest sunday interviews AMM

RMstorm said...

Thanks AMM for another is this eye-opening series

trinity said...

thanks for the review my friend

Gustavo said...

Thanks AMM for these interviews