Saturday, September 3, 2022

Brief Encounter - We Want to Play - LP (1981) Music Town - CD (2019) AOTN (FLAC) Rare Soul

As promised yesterday...Ive been meaning to post this absolutely fantastic album up now for ages. But as the saying goes much music with so little time...quite an appropiate ruling for this blog!..This is their killer album recorded in their hometown on the tiny Music Town label out of Wilkesboro, North Carolina & thanks to those groovy guys up in Scotland at the Athens Of The North Record label its been made available on CD at long last. I picked up my Vinyl copy in Philly years ago and paid a lot for it back then!...But worth every penny, not a dud track on here,and the CD has an Extra track as opposed to the LP release. But the BIG bonus is those 4 KILLER NORTHERN TRACKS are here!..Blackpool Mecca Classics!...been playing it today and even the wife was dancing around to!..I remember back in the day i nearly broke my neck to find a turntable in the states to play it on and i did back at the hotel...fond memories!...Theres another album with their singles including some unreleased gems so stay tuned for that to come and enjoy this wonderful underated group as they sing their hearts out!


                                                                      The Tasters!

                                                                         LP BACK


Anghellic67$ said...

Great Album Thank You AMM,Much Appreciated

RMstorm said...

Thanks AMM for following up with more Brief Encounters

Bill said...

I kiked the first post,I`d like to like this one please! Cheers!

Arty said...

With an intro like that, AMM, who am I to refuse. Yes please!

hakase said...

thank you so much for this rare album AMM great share again

renald said...

One of a kind. Excellent group. Thanks for sharing these gems with us AMM. This is a top review!!

CanoMan said...

Interesting review thanks for sharing

PeterH said...

A legendary album with legendary tracks. Thanks for review, P.

deadwoodie said...


reb.jukebox said...

Thanks AMM for a second Brief Encounter album

richsoul said...

thank you for delivering the goods. Goods they are! Thank you for the review on this group and
now this cd. Thank you for the extra goodies. Thank you AMM.

Big Dave said...

Oh yeah, can't wait...!
Many thanks AMM for reviewing this rare gem


pedro B said...

Thanks AMM for this one even with a (brief) review some crackers on this one

Cheers Pedro

ELtel said...

Thanks for more Brief Encounters MM.

soul quinquin said...

A group that I do not know and therefore, I am interested. Thanks Collins.