Saturday, June 29, 2024


I took my good lady wife away for a few days as she has a tough time ahead of her,between tomorrow & a week on thursday she has 3 medical procedures to endure so i,m not really in the best of minds to fully concentrate on the blog. I ,ll post up when i can find the right time & mood, i hope you all understand. Many thanks for your comments, you are a great bunch of guys!








 catch you all later guys enjoy the music!



ELtel said...

Enjoy MM.

Ray said...

Have a great time,,

BillyMac said...

I'd like to see you take more time off than you do! Relax, respite and re-fuel. Enjoy your lovely bride.

PeterH said...

Have a good time!

staxman said...

Good Luck, AMM enjoy what downtime you have..There is a library here to entertain us.

deadwoodie said...

Sorry to hear about your wife-Take care of her first

Bill said...

You`ve got your priorities when you get a chance.Hope your exotic break to far off climes was great deserve it!
ATVB to you and the better half....Hope she`s OK

Guy said...

Do not rush back to the grind here, concentrate on your good lady and her full recovery.

BillyMac said...

Thoughts and prayers for Mrs. AMM.

ELtel said...

The blog can wait MM, the Mrs. comes first, all the very best to her mate.

PeterH said...

Glad to have you back, AMM! And I send all my thoughts and best wishes to your wife - hope everything goes alright for her. Take car, both of you! Peter

pmac said...

Damn, just reading this after having been in France for several days with my better half. Nothing but prayers and positive vibes going to both of you.

andr3 nalin said...

I knock on wood for her/you guys ;) Atb 🌞🫢🏻

soultime said...

Family come first , post when you fancy .

soulfood said...

The blog will be here when your up for more. ATB to your Wife and your good self. All my thoughts and wishes go to you both
ATB Soulfood

Anton said...

All The Best For Both.

richsoul said...

Like my mom always said, take care of the ones that take care of you, first. Great to see you back and will put a prayer or two for your wife. Thank you AMM.

gmortars said...

Only now saw this. Best of luck to your missus, and by extension to you!

Big Dave said...

The very best wishes to you and your wife m8... hospital is never fun !


AMM said...

thank you all very much, were both touched by your lovely comments especially the mrs who keeps telling me off for fussing around, its driving her nut!!

Little Bill said...

All the best to both of you, keep strong AMM!

reb.jukebox said...

Hope all goes well of the next week AMM. Send all our best wishes to Mrs AMM.
If there is no posts for the next week, then whats the problem, take the time off, somethings are more important than posts, do what you have to do.