Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday Review 25 & 26 - The Detroit Interviews - Ron Banks Of The Dramatics & Sam Motley Record Producer (140MB) Total Time 44 Minutes

More great interviews from the people who made the music at all levels in the indusrty..Only 2 more left then this series is done.


                                            The Dramatics Performing..."Whatcha See Is What You Get" Volt Records 

                                          I Would Have Killed To See This Show In 1967 The Dramatics First Big Gig 

                                                                                Review Available For 7 Days Only                                                       


soultime said...

Amazing videos , thanks AMM .

deadwoodie said...

Thanks AMM

Renald Heyns said...

The Dramatics are one of my al-time favorites. To me they are one of the best soul groups around. Thanks for this edition of the Detroit Sunday reviews. Nice Sunday dish that you've concocted for us today AMM. Great jazz and some of the best soul around!!

USMAN47 said...

This magnificent series is a mine of information.

Thanks AMM for sharing.


Ray said...

Thank you for even more Detroit Interviews AMM

RMstorm said...

Thanks AMM. Insightful series through and through.

Anton said...

Thank U For Another Great Offering

trinity said...

Thanks for the review my friend

oldsoulrebel said...

Thanks for this latest set AMM. It will be a shame when the series is finished

reb.jukebox said...

Been a great series, looking forward to the last two parts next week, thank you

richsoul said...

This is a great series. Now with Ron Banks, this series becomes even better!

Gustavo said...

Thanks AMM for these interviews